Glorious--what a treat! Fabulous pictures pulled me right in, and I was as happy to be there as you were to be home. Thanks for the special moments.

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Hey Mike, no sidecar for bikes but I’ve seen some for Vespas. 🛵 you are welcome anytime. 😎

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Thank you Cindy, 🤗

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Tino, thank you for transporting us back to Tuscany! From the breathtaking orange sunsets and mesmerizing landscapes to the pappardelle, the bustling mercato, and even the infamous bureaucratic driving tests—I feel like I’m right there! Your touch of humor adds the perfect spice to your storytelling. Until the next adventure!

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Thank you Nancy,

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Bentornato Tino, and how I would love to visit your Mercato, the food looks soooo fresh, although I probably shouldn’t complain as we do have markets here that sell a huge variety of fruit and vegetables. I think the only markets I have been to in Italy would be in Florence, Santa Margherita Ligure and Volterra - at a time at which the latter two were closing unfortunately. Glad to read that you have got your first booking and I love your garden, so pretty

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Tank you Sally, I rarely miss the weekly mercato here in Colle. At times I don’t really need anything but just walking around it’s entertaining in itself. Have a wonderful week.

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Quel beau texte, moi aussi je vous ai suivi à travers les super paysages , j’ai même osé en transférer un pour une aquarelle à faire car la lumière est la qualité de la Toscane,

merci Tino

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Merci Lise. Bon dimanche

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a simple transaction becomes a moment of connection, a piece of tradition passed from one hand to another...grateful for this post...to hear the bells toll, smell the lavender, and accompany you to the market

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Tu nous donnes envie de cuisiner avec les magnifiques couleurs du marché.

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Je vous attend pour souper 🍽️

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Welcome back to your other home Tino! Keep the articles (and the inspiring pictures) coming! Ça nous donne espoir qu’il y aura à nouveau de la vie après notre hiver enneigé…😎

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Ton texte……..comme si j’étais là et tes photos sont magnifiques. Welcome back to your home!

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Merci F. Je vous attends

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Hi Tino, buon ritorno. We are exploring the possibility of visiting this summer again. If we do, can you get a bike with a sidecar for Liz😊.

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